Tuesday 23 November 2010

Amazon in Wiimote Racism Shock




and a screengrab for posterity;

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Destroy It Yourself......99.9% done?

Yeah, let's say that - recording and mixing is finished, mastering is underway, artwork is about to be created, and the route to getting it on sale has been programmed into the SatNav.

Talking of artwork, I've just been typing up the lyrics to see if any particular images leap at me screaming "Get Joe to draw me!" and I've noticed a bunch of references, quotes, and paraphrases that I'd either forgotten about or did entirely by accident (though let's all just pretend that I'm clever and worked them in on purpose yeah?).

These include, in no particular order;

Constantin Stanislavksi
Morrissey - Every Day Is Like Sunday
The Wire
The X-Files
My Dad
Django Reinhart
Home Alone 2
A song by Desaparecidos

Things that look like they might be referenced but aren't:
Star Wars (well, it's a reference of a reference - which isn't as pretentious as that sounds)
That mobile phone advert that uses a song by The Mae Shi