Saturday 21 August 2010

Destroy It Yourself: 85% done?

After such a long time since doing any work on the album (19 days?) due to flu, work, and a stag trip to Amsterdam......I didn't think a tweet or two would really do as far as an update was concerned.

It's weird not having listened to it for all that time - the bipolar love/hate that I always feel for anything I'm working on gives way to a sinking dread that it might all be so totally awful that it's beyond rescue.......I keep wondering whether the constant little delays are actually some subconscious insecurities taking hold and putting it off for fear that, shock horror, anyone else should listen to it and realise it's all a pile of crap.

But then I load up the files, flick through, twiddle with some virtual nobs (hehe) and suddenly I start to remember why I thought it would be a good idea to record this in the first place: a riff triggers that little switch off in the back of my neck.......a refrain lodges itself in my brain........I feel my emotions swell in a way that's normally reserved for other people's music.................which makes me feel a whole lot better, if a little arrogant (I suppose Modesty isn't entirely Dead after all).

So back to that figure of 85% - I'm sure I've bandied such things around before, but I feel a lot more justified in putting that on now. I have a few overdubs to do, some vocal corrections here...a guitar  improvement there....a mispronunciation to rectify, and then I really think it'll be ready. Gosh.

Just need to sort artwork and mastering, then it's onto the winding road of actually getting it released. Fun times.

Sneaky peaks? Soon, I promise.

New website...

...........about time eh?

Now to get that album finished..........

Wednesday 4 August 2010

"Please give me an album that I love straight away, that I don't have to grow into, after constant play"

"See I buy alot of records, but take most of them back, cause I feel they dissapoint me, after just one track"

So sang Jamie Lenman on "Crushed Under The Weight Of The Enormous Bullshit"*

I've been feeling somewhat similar over the past few years - though in not quite such jaded terms as there have been plenty of albums that I've become obsessed by recently* - but it's only really on downloading and listening to the reissued "Understanding Music" by AC Acoustics*** other day and giving it a proper solid listen in the sunshine, and putting it on again just now, that has made me realise why: digital music has made me impatient and fickle in my musical habits.

In the days when I listened to minidisks, or cassettes, I'd have 2 -5 albums on me at any one time, so when walking to uni, driving to work, catching a train, I would have a finite amount of music to listen to; I'd listen to the same album dozens of times in a week. Now I have 32Gb of storage space, and access to a subscription download service where I can legally pluck any album out of the ether at will, listen to it at, and then move onto the next one.

I find myself doing just that - endlessly gorging at an all-you-can-eat buffet, not noticing that I'm getting fat, unfit, and undernourished as I search for an ever greater quantity, and an ever newer flavour, not stopping to savour and thoroughly digest, suffering the ensuing heartburn that such behaviour inevitably incites.****

So I've come to a conclusion: though I will still download***** new albums by the dozen, I'll be more methodical in my listening habits...maybe choosing 3 or 4 albums that I'll listen to per week, repeating on a loop until I've really got something out of them other than the instant gratification from boredom that this musical snacking has provided.

In that spirit then, this week's listening will mainly feature:

AC Acoustics - Understanding Music
Mclusky - Mclusky Do Dallas
Oceansize - Everyone Into Position

Rock on

* ironically enough considering the reception that album received (especially from someone like me who sorta skim-listened to it, choosing my favourite songs and generally skipping through the rest without much more thought).

**Johnny Foreigner - Waited Up Til It Was Light, Future of the Left - Curses, Alestorm - Black Sails At Sunset (silly I know, but incredible), to name but a few.

***Sorry for all these bits - have been reading Stewart Lee's "How I Escaped My Certain Fate" which possibly contains more footnotes than actual text.

****Part of me wants to take the gastronomic metaphor further to include the other end of the process.......but it's nearly lunchtime and I don't want to put myself off my lunch with talk of the musical equivalent of excreting waste products. Damn, just did.

*****Legally, of course. Or is that taken as read now? It still feels slightly like stealing, even though it's all completely above board.