Friday, 13 March 2009

Oxygen Thief for Comic Relief

Hehe, that rhymes.

Wow, it's Comic Relief already - awesome. I'm playing in Stourbridge tonight, so will miss the live fun....but rest assured my Saturday is going to be spent watching it back on iPlayer, fast forwarding all the depressing bits (and by that, I mean anything with Lenny Henry in) and giggling like a chimp.

As I'm a bit too lazy to do anything proper to try and raise money, I thought I'd wang a free download link up of the 6 songs from my profile..........on the condition that you donate something to Comic Relief and/or buy a red nose (just got mine, spongy).

Sound fair?

It's a YouSendIt link, so it's up for 7 days / 100 downloads - so if 100 people download, donate at least a quid to Comic Relief, then that's enough for 20 malaria nets, or a day's cost to run a Community Cafe for people with mental health problems. Winner.

to set it downloading, and then go donate here:

Cheers all.

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