Sunday, 22 March 2009

Think I'll stick to diet+exercise thanks...

Taken from the Daily Fail, the day Mrs Thief was born. Nice

Friday, 13 March 2009

Weston / Stourbridge

Two gigs in a row in really chilly rooms to fairly sparse crowds - but lots of fun all the same. Played an epic 45 minute set @ The Hobbit, including an impromptu serenade to Matt Fizzy Milk as he nipped out for a wazz halfway through. Classy. Stourbridge was a good old catch up with fellow Punktastic boarders/compilation friends The Southern Cradle (like Audio Karate + Get Up Kids) and the mighty Addis braving the buses. Im now back at home watching Quizcall and gradually losing my sanity - Water GATE? Water SKI? Water BASTARD? It's all such bullshit...

Oxygen Thief for Comic Relief

Hehe, that rhymes.

Wow, it's Comic Relief already - awesome. I'm playing in Stourbridge tonight, so will miss the live fun....but rest assured my Saturday is going to be spent watching it back on iPlayer, fast forwarding all the depressing bits (and by that, I mean anything with Lenny Henry in) and giggling like a chimp.

As I'm a bit too lazy to do anything proper to try and raise money, I thought I'd wang a free download link up of the 6 songs from my profile..........on the condition that you donate something to Comic Relief and/or buy a red nose (just got mine, spongy).

Sound fair?

It's a YouSendIt link, so it's up for 7 days / 100 downloads - so if 100 people download, donate at least a quid to Comic Relief, then that's enough for 20 malaria nets, or a day's cost to run a Community Cafe for people with mental health problems. Winner.

to set it downloading, and then go donate here:

Cheers all.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

LSB Tour over

Sleeped at 7am last nite, it's almost 4.30am now + im still awake.....Ryan has the right idea I think. 4 days of hard rock goodness, far too much booze, nowhere near enough sleep, and a lot of miles travelled. Massive fun

Friday, 6 March 2009

My face...

...looks terrible, what the hell has happened to me? One night up late drinking too much, and all of a sudden I'm paler than Michael Jackson. LSB tour night 2 of my 3 day stint roadie-ing and drinking their beer, massive fun. Last night in Huddersfield absolutely killed, today I feel like I've been killed...they're about to go on in Mexborough - bit of a random town, but the venue is AWESOME. Battery about to fail, laters

Woo, blogging from my phone?

Just found an application that lets me blog from my phone, without having to piss about on the internet for ages. Awesome