Tuesday, 27 January 2009

2009 # 3 - Stourbridge, the M5, and a missed opportunity

Friday hurt - slumping on the sofa to eat before heading out to Stourbridge, I could've quite easily entered hibernation there and then...waking up once the springtime finally broke.

I'm bloody glad I didn't though, as after braving the evils of the M5 in rush hour in a fairly tired state, the gig at Katie Fitzgerald's turned out to be (in purely technical terms) an "absolute fucking blast".

Awesomeness point 1 : They projected Buck Rogers onto the rear wall of the stage for the entire night.

Awesomeness point 2 : Fellow Bristol-type Cat Green Bike was both charming, and excellent to listen to (even if there was a sad lack of Dillinger Escape Plan influence on her uke-tastic tunes - sort it out Xen

Awesomeness point 3 : The utter friendliness of everyone there, and the fact that so many people turned out to a regular Friday night gig at their local.

The only negative was all the lovely and interesting looking beer that I couldn't drink because I had to drive home :( had a solitary pint of Guinness though which was the best I'd had in a good while, and left it at that.

Camera Shy
Appetite For Distraction
Pros & Cons
Modesty Is Dead
There Can Be Only One

End of 2009 gig week #1 - have a couple next week, and Left Side Brain @ The Louisiana to look forward to on Saturday.


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