Hello you, I've a question for you: How in the hell is it nearly Christmas?
Honestly, I swear it should only just be approaching September or something......not nearly 2011. I blame that David Cameron, he's probably made sweeping cuts to the amount of time we get in a year now and all. The complete and utter James Hunt (Culture Secretary).
Anyway, looking forward to the new year - here's some dates I'm heading out on tour with the magnificent Ben Marwood, who will be releasing his debut album via Xtra Mile Recordings (home to Frank Turner, Chris T-T, The Xcerts, Beans On Toast) and who was name-checked on track 2 of Mr Turner's new Rock & Roll EP. All together now "HERE'S TO MARWOOOOOOD!":
15th Leeds Cardigan Arms
16th Cheltenham Slak (w/Jim Lockey)
18th Bristol Louisiana
19th Oxford G&D's Ice Cream Cafe
20th York City Screen Basement Bar
22nd Farnsfield (nr Notts) Farnsfield Acoustic
23rd Swindon The Vic
28th Reading Rising Sun Arts Centre (w/Quiet Quiet Band)
29th Birmingham Bright House (w/Quiet Quiet Band and more TBC)
30th London Wilmington Arms
We're still looking for something to do for the 21st in the Nottingham/Derby/Leicester area, so give us a shout if you want us to come and make noise in your venue/pub/lounge/basement yeah? Ace.
Progress on my own album is still trundling ever onwards, with the final stages of audio tweaking underway, and artwork being furiously scribbled as I type. Not by me, obviously, as that would require an extra pair of hands. Not to mention a significant improvement of my ability to draw anything more complex than a stickman. Or a phallus. Or a stickman with a phallus.
Cheers for now, keep warm.